Leopard Tech Talk – New York City

Posted by Brian on January 24, 2007

Earlier today I attended the Leopard Tech Talk in New York City. It was every bit as informative and insightful as I expected. Many thanks to the Apple Developer Connection for organizing such a beneficial event!

While I can not disclose details of what was discussed at the sessions, descriptions of them can be found on the ADC web site. Here are the sessions I was able to attend:

Image Processing & Manipulation in Leopard

We all know that Core Image is not a new technology, having first appeared in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. However, it was presented in such a clear and concise way that I could easily see how it might be incorporated in a image processing application I have had in mind.

Using Objective-C 2.0 in Leopard

As indicated in the Leopard Developer Tools Overview, the new features of Objective-C 2.0 will certainly make it much easier to create and maintain applications. After this session I realized that these alone are compelling reasons for me to target my future application development for Mac OS X 10.5!

Introducing Core Animation

The Leopard Developer Application Technologies Overview attempts to explain this new technology, but I don’t think it really captures how powerful and useful it will be to developers. Having it demonstrated and explained in the session really showed how it may considerably change how we view animation and its role in the user interface.

What’s new in Cocoa

Since Cocoa is the foundation of most Mac OS X application development, any new features and changes are certainly welcome. The informative and thorough coverage of this session was very much appreciated.

I wish I had been able to attend more of the sessions, but these four were enough to have me wanting to start developing for Leopard as soon as possible. :-)